Thursday, March 14, 2013

7.00 Journalism

Before taking journalism I did not have an idea of just how complex journalism can be. I thought journalism just involved newspapers, or on news shows, I didn't know about all the other types of journalism such as entertainment or radio news. Before I took journalism I thought the purpose of journalism was just to write a story that would later be broadcasting to the people, I know now however that, that is not the case. I never thought that journalism had ethics that needed to be followed. For example I didn't know that journalist were not allowed to show opinions or bias writing in their news stories. After being in journalism now, I understand now how important it is for a journalist to not include any opinions in his or her news stories.

After taking journalism I now understand that journalist is somebody who basically informs the world on everyday news, through newspapers, news shows, magazine, radio broadcast, blogs etc. Now I know just how many rules journalist have to follow if they want to be successful. For example I know now that as a journalist you are not allowed to accept any bribes or presents from others when it involves something related to the story the journalist has written. Although I have enjoyed taking the course I don't believe I will have a career in journalism. The world of journalism will always be needed because people will always need to know what going on in the world.