Friday, January 4, 2013

5.0 Intro to the writing process

1. "What are your thoughts on writing in general?"

For me writing is something I thoroughly enjoy, for starters because writing can be done in so many different ways. You could write a fiction story, a poem, a song, any non fictional story, or news piece. In my family writing is a big deal because my mom is an author, and has currently written seven books. Writing is a way to let your imagination flow. Writing can be done anywhere at anytime. Whether we realize it or not we write many times throughout a single day. Whether it be a paper for school or work, to even sending a text message to a friend.  

2. "Is it truly possible to write impartially?"

It is possible to write impartially but it is a hard process to complete, because it requires and lot of thinking about every line you write in your journalism story. Writing impartially also depends on what topic you are writing about. If you are covering a story about an accident involving a drunk driver then you story will be considered impartially and therefore will be considered a credible piece for your news company to publish. 

However if I was a journalist writing about whether or not laws about drunk driving should be changed then my piece would mostly likely have a bias tone because I was writing about my opinion on drunk driving laws. What all this means is that it is indeed truly possible to write a piece that is impartial as long as you are not bias in your story.