Sunday, October 21, 2012

Introduction to Ethics

What it means to be ethical is pertaining to the morals of right and wrong. Doing what you think to be the right decision instead of the wrong. Some situations in life may make it hard for you determine which is the right choice, but if your are truly an ethical person you will always know what the right choice is. Life is never going to be a hundred percent easy or worry free but by knowing your morals and ethical decisions, it just might help to ease the stress of life's situations.

The situation described in this lesson is considered to be an ethical dilemma because although you know the right thing to do is to go and tell your best friends parent's about what she has done, but on the other hand you don't want to deceive your friendship by running off and telling your friends secrets to her parents. What your friend did is serious, giving out her address online to a complete stranger is incredible danger and needs to be dealt with by your friends parents. I believe she should deal with this situation by telling her friends parents what she has done so they can try to fix her situation. Although it might jeopardise their situation, making sure her friend is safe and out of danger is what she needs to focus on the most.

Ethics applies to journalism because it is their ethical duty to present people with accurate information. If a journalist wants to be respected by not only the readers but by the entire media business as well, they need to make sure everything they say is completely one hundred percent true. A journalist who broadcasted lies in their story would be looked down upon in society and would probably never get an other job in the media world again because no one would trust their stories or morals.